Highlighting Local Units - IRTA Executive Director, Jessica Hoselton

The Illinois Retired Teachers Association (IRTA) is dedicated to safeguarding and improving pension benefits for retired educators.  Our successful track record in representing the interests of the retired teacher community, coupled with providing unparalleled member benefits – is the recipe that ensures the IRTA continues to grow year after year.  IRTA’s staff, Board of Directors and Local Unit Leaders work hard to ensure IRTA’s successful tradition continues. 

Local Units support IRTA in meeting goals and executing initiatives.  IRTA’s network of local units works in concert with the state association to provide educational opportunities, socialization, and ongoing communication to all IRTA members.  Local leaders are the driving force behind thriving local associations and the ongoing collaboration between the state organization and local units supports our continued success.

The dedication and commitment of our local leaders to the retired teachers’ community is invaluable to IRTA’s mission.  To that end, the IRTA staff is here to provide our local units with the resources and support needed to excel in your leadership roles and ensure that our local units remain strong and viable into the future.  IRTA provides exclusive services to IRTA Local Leaders that are designed to empower you in your mission to serve and support your local association.  These services include but are not limited to video production and editing, photography, graphic design, effective email and audio communication, and much more.  To view our full menu of services, please visit: https://www.irtaonline.org/irta-menu-of-services/

As I continue to settle into my new role with the IRTA, I am eager to meet as many of our valued members as possible and plan to attend meetings and other events hosted by local units.  At this time, I have been invited to speak at Clinton Co., Douglas Co., Christian Co., McHenry Co., Champaign Co., and the Blackhawk Unit New Retiree breakfast later this year.  I welcome invitations to your events and will also reach out to local unit leadership to seek additional opportunities.  I, along with the IRTA staff, stand ready and willing to continue working together to maintain a sense of community and engagement among IRTA’s 40,000+ members.  I strongly believe that by working together we can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of retired teachers and elevate IRTA’s reputation as a powerful advocate on behalf of our members.