Voting Opportunities for the Upcoming General Election

The 2024 General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 5th. IRTA encourages our members to exercise the fundamental right of casting your vote and making your voice heard in the upcoming election. In Illinois, voters have options to cast their ballots including voting early, voting by mail or voting in-person on Election Day. Any registered voter in Illinois may cast a vote-by-mail ballot without providing a reason. Voters can beat long lines on Election Day by voting early. Early Voting began Thursday, September 26th and runs through Monday, November 4th. For those who prefer to vote at the polls on Election Day, polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday November 5th. Please CLICK HERE to find Early Voting, Grace Period Voter Registration and Election Day voting locations in your community.
Important Illinois’ 2024 General Election Dates and Reminders:
- First Day of Early Voting: Thursday, September 26
- Last Day to Register to Vote by Mail: Tuesday, October 8 (postmarked)
- Last Day to Register to Vote Online: Sunday, October 20
- Last Day of Early Voting: Monday, November 4
- General Election: Tuesday, November 5